ACademy of ancient & Sacred knowledge


Welcome! Thank you for your interest in our academy.


This is a safe space where a seeker can learn about sacred and ancient knowledge that isn't taught in this day and age. This knowledge has been suppressed or hidden for far too long and it is time to re-awaken humanity. We are happy to offer teachings that help you find your way and to help you on your journey.

A spiritual academy where you can learn more about your spiritual gifts, how to develop them, how to protect yourself and loved ones when feeling vulnerable, and you will become confident in your own abilities. Each experience is unique and tailored to the individual for a healing and transformative experience.

*All potential students will go through an interview process.

*Energy exchange/Fee varies per individual

*To start learning right away, Call (484) 723-9193 or send us an email to schedule your interview.

May you journey well!

 Morgantown Arts & Holistic Center is offering classes as well as healing sessions for the mind, body, and spirit!


 For those of you who don't know what Reiki is, the word is divided into 2 Japanese words. Rei and Ki. Rei can be defined as the Higher Intelligence that guides the creation and functioning of the universe. Ki is flowing in everything that is alive including plants, animals and humans.  We receive Ki from the air we breath, from food, sunshine, and from sleep. Rei also means God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy" Reiki practitioners are taught how to work with this energy by channeling it to promote healing and well-being within themselves and others. Reiki is now offered in over 200 hospitals around the country. Reiki is used to treat any disease or illness for example:

đź”®Physical conditions
Back pain. Migraines. Fibromyalgia. Chronic Fatigue. TMJ. Skin disorders. Cancer. Autoimmune disorders. Thyroid imbalances.

đź”®Emotional conditions
Low self-esteem. Emotional distance & unavailability. Hot emotions like anger or jealousy. Panic. Fears. Inability to cope. Feeling uncomfortable in your skin. Feeling out of place. Grief.

đź”®Mental conditions
Stress.Depression. Anxiety. Lack of concentration. Insomnia. Confusion. Negative thinking. Mental burdens.

đź”®Spiritual conditions
Disconnection from self and life. Loss of meaning. Darkness of the soul. Spiritual seeking. Loss of personal power. Soul loss. Not knowing life direction or purpose. Inability to forgive. Fear of death.

All of the above is a sample list. The point is that symptoms are endless. The list could be 100 times this.

A treatment feels like a calming glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit, creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, self-worth and wellbeing. SO many people have reported miraculous results. 


*Session are 30, 60 & 90 minutes long. We believe everyone should have access to healing.

If you’d like to continue your education, there is another healing modality that compliments REIKI.


An EGYPTIAN healing modality and includes fire, air, and water elements. It is great for a deeper emotional healing.

Seichem is an ancient and sacred form of hands on healing and is said to be the parent energy of all hands on healing systems. It is a simple, non-invasive healing system that works with each person's higher self to promote health and well-being of the entire physical, emotional and psychic body. Seichem is a potent energy and must be approached with respect and in a state of unconditional love, it cannot be entered into lightly, nor in an egotistical way, those who choose to work with this powerful Egyptian energy must be prepared to put in time, patience and dedication if they wish to take this step, and must clearly understand that their lives will never be the same again once they have been initiated to Seichem energy. The fundamental differences between Reiki and Seichem is that firstly, Seichem incorporates the healing elements of air, fire and water and works on an even deeper level, secondly it appears to sparkle like fizzy bubbles, whereas Reiki energy runs either hot or cold and works with the earth element. There are three levels of training within Seichem energy healing, each level builds upon what you have previously learned and gradually accelerates your spiritual growth. A combination of Tera Mai Reiki and Seichem Egyptian symbols are used, creating a higher vibrational frequency to enhance the flow of energy, this amplifies the healing potential during your client's treatments and increases the potential within you to initiate changes within your own life. Seichem is a personal healing system and can help you release blocks that are preventing you from moving forwards in life, when positive changes are initiated, it enhances qualities such as courage, wisdom, compassion, love, kindness and strength in your own life. Being attuned to Seichem, connects you to ancient Egyptian energies, it is not for the faint hearted, but the journey is exquisite once you have taken the step.

*As you complete each course, you will receive a certification.

Reiki and Seichem classes are for those who wish to learn this gentle, powerful healing art for personal health and healing or for practice on others. 

Reiki is taught into three levels:

Level 1- History of Reiki, Learn about Chakras, Foundation of  Energy, vibration and frequency, Scanning the body for negative energy, How to Heal yourself and others, healing pets, Hand positions, Using Intention, Mental awareness, Tips on Starting your own practice.

Level 2- You will get a boost of energy that will increase every year.  and  Recieve 3 symbols that provide:  Mental clarity and focus, A power symbol and a distant healing symbol. You will learn how to heal distantly (that means if someone is china you can heal them from across the world)

Level 3 (mastership)- Once attuned you will be able to teach Reiki. You will get another boost of energy that will increase every year.

*Call (484)723-9193 to schedule your session.



A shaman is a religious or mystical expert who, functions as a healer, prophet and custodian of cultural tradition, A shaman is “one who knows, a medicine man or woman, one who interacts with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness to direct spirits or spiritual energies into the physical world, for healing, teachings, and justice, for the good of our nation and community.

We offer:

Soul retrieval

Healing Blessings

Justice Blessings

Attachment clearing

Mayan Massage Cleanse

Reprogramming of the mind

Spiritual house keeping

Cord Cutting

Past life regression

Spirit animals

Learn different healing modalities

Planet U

Shaman Shield

Healing With Energy sessions

Journeying and more!

*Classes and workshops available For those who would like to develop their gifts and learn how to connect with their own power and divinity.

We teach these classes at our Academy of Ancient & Sacred Knowledge. For those who feel called to this path get in touch to reserve your session today.

holistic MASSAGE

To help relieve the aches and pains of everyday life.

Call (484) 723-9193 to schedule an appointment! Our therapist provides an amazing massage that revolves around your needs. You will not only leave feeling better, but also feeling refreshed! Combine it with Reiki for a total physical and spiritual cleanse.


Guided meditations are available to bring the body, mind, and soul into alignment and to dive deeper within ourselves for enlightenment! We offer group sessions and one on one sessions.




An ancient Mayan healing art that cleanses the body, mind and spirit using stones The moment these stones touch your body, their work begins to heal you, A session will leave you feeling lighter, like a weight has been lifted from your body. Helps to treat any disease or illness and is known to provide miraculous results.

*Call (484)723-9193 to schedule your interview.

*These sessions and classes are life changing. In order to be considered for our program, we honor the practice and go through an interview process to determine how to better serve you.